AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

A short post on studying for and passing AWS CCP.

Estimate: 1 Minute Read

Recently passed the AWS CCP (91.7% 😀) exam after one week of studying. There are many guides like this on the Internet, but nevertheless here are the resources I used.

  • Bachelors in IT
  • Masters in IT (1 last semester)
  • HelpDesk/Sysadmin for ~3 years (on-prem)
  • No professional cloud experience, but lots of on-prem experience. Linux/IaaC

And lastly, my rough notes. These notes cover all 6 hours of the AWS video course and Udemy practice exams.

Torch - Command Line for the Student Masses

If you’re a system administrator looking for unique ways to incorporate Linux servers with class curriculums, this article may inspire methodologies for bringing the command line to the student masses.

Estimate: 10 Minute Read

Table of Contents

I asked on reddit’s /r/linuxadmin how they handle student-accessible servers. Many ideas were brought up - segmented Docker containers, locked down hosts, restrictive commands. I went with what I know best: a strong dose of Ansible, glorious SSSD, and trusty Bash.